Unidyne Energy Environment
Systems Pvt. Ltd.
About Us
The Unidyne group comprises of Engineering companies offering
specialized services in Industrial Process Heating Systems, Waste Heat Recovery
and Applications engineering. The core promotional team consists of specialist
engineers with several decades of experiance in the above fields.
Starting in the Eighties with the main focus on coil type fluid heaters, over 2000 units and systems have been supplied all over India, for Steam boilers, Thermal fluid heaters, Hot water generators and Waste Heat recovery systems.
We have standardized products and custom designed systems, tailored to meet the clients specific requirements, and executed on a turnkey basis, backed up with prompt and effective after sales service.
We are amongst a handful of companies whose equipment have crossed the 90% thermal efficiency barrier. This is achieved by using innovative designs employing economizers, air pre heaters, and heat exchanger optimisers. The fuel burning systems with very high combustion efficiency, can handle heavy oils, gas, duel fuels, and also preheated combustion air, with fully modulating arrangements. They are sourced from Global suppliers to dovetail with our heat exchange equipment to suit International clientele familiar with these systems.
Core Competencies
We have the capabilities to fundamentally design any type of fired / unfired heater upto 5 million kcal/hr. in the tubular coil type design, or shell and tube design as warranted by specific requirements. These could be single pass, or multipass units designed to suit the limiting pressure drops on the fluid side (steam, thermal fluid, water and air) or flue gas side.
We have the capability to absorb new technologies with ease, due to the high degree of in-house technical skill. Members of our design team have had varied and intensive experience with respect to the said equipment.
The specialty of our market thrust has been to refrain from passively responding to a client’s product requirement, and to involve actively with his process heating requirement. This allows us to customize these requirements for an optimum selection of suitable heating system, which would be energy efficient, fit within capital budgets, meet with installation and space constraints, and tailored to the convenience of the client’s operating personnel.
Unidyne is proud of its people. Thanks to it's team of motivated
engineers, Unidyne views every problem as a challenge and every threat as an
opportunity. It's people are it's greatest asset.
Future Vision
After a successful track record of proven performance in the Industrial Heating field, Unidyne is now entered in the areas of Refrigeration and Environmental Technologies with state-of-the-art concepts and designs with marketing collaborations with reputed international companies.
Copyright 2003 Unidyne Energy
Environment Systems Pvt. Ltd.
B - 201/301, Bharatkunj,
TPS-III, 9th Road, Santacruz ( Eest ), Mumbai : 400 055, India.
Phone :
91-22-26194286 / 26104277 / 26181947 / 26181948 Fax : 91-22-26100057.
Contact Persons :
Mr.Mohan Iyer ( Managing Director ) mailto:unidyne@vsnl.com
Mr.Darshak Mehta ( General Manager Marketing ) mailto:darshakm@yahoo.com
Mr.Bharat Khanvilkar ( Manager Customer Support ) mailto:uniser@vsnl.com
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